Testimonials - teachers and parents |
"The performance was wonderful to watch and the gradual build-up of the year-long project was encouraging to observe. This time, last year, I wasn't sure if this cohort would be able to collaboratively produce an entertaining production. I am delighted that they pulled it off, despite the challenges they have faced. Every child had an important part to play, and it was thoughtfully planned, through coherent structured learning of a variety of skills. At a time when creativity is being squeezed due to budgetary constraints across schools, I am reassured that YPPT is focused on supporting the best outcomes for all children academically and socially. Thank you so much for the co-creation of a truly memorable experience."
Bindu, headteacher, Highwood Primary School
Bindu, headteacher, Highwood Primary School
"My daughter really enjoyed this and I think since getting through Covid it has helped them bond with their friends. We loved the show and it was a lovely story."
Rashida, parent, Springfield Junior School
Rashida, parent, Springfield Junior School
"What was great about the YPPT project was that it gave the children something to look forward to, something to return to after lockdown. It was wonderful seeing the children start to interact more together. They missed that experience of being able to work as a group, in person, using their hands to create something that is bigger than themselves. Seeing that on their faces and seeing them engage, every single day, and looking forward to coming to school for that experience, was just incredible. The experiences that the YPPT gives to our children are priceless."
James, teacher, Central Primary School "I was a proud teacher yesterday after the performances." Swati, teacher, Beechfield Primary School |
"My son has really benefitted from the teamwork and the long term project. He enjoyed getting to do a performance that we can attend. It showed him that school can be something else than lessons. Very good initiative, original and successful."
Magdalena, parent, Bewick Bridge Primary School
Magdalena, parent, Bewick Bridge Primary School
"It's not just a literacy thing, it's teamwork, it's art, it's creativity, and most of all just learning to work together. They've learned that you can be a part of a team, you don't all have to be doing a leading part, and they're all contributing to the same thing. There are a couple of individuals I can think of who really don't contribute much within the class normally, but who've just been so wrapped up in this project that they've been really enthusiastic. One of them was in floods of tears this morning because it was finished. It was lovely to see him showing that emotion because he has some difficultiies and normally doesn't show emotions. I really recommend it for the teamwork aspect, and for the creativity. They've learned things I would never have done with them.
Daniel Waygood, Year Six teacher, Highwood Primary School "Her confidence and self-esteem has completely sky-rocketed! She’s so proud of herself. I will, as a parent, remind her that, in spite of her nerves, she achieved what she set out to do."
Martin, parent, Central Primary School "As the weeks have gone on, I've just realised the magnitude of the impact that the project has had on my class, definitely in terms of attendance and behaviour. It's made a big difference for children that were perhaps not attending school every day - some parents have told me specifically that their children were coming in just to do the puppet project. There really has been a role for everyone, including a child in my class who's very quiet. She was in charge of doing the lights on the night, and she controlled the lights, read her script and got on with the job in a way that I've never seen before in class. It's had a big impact on her confidence. Seeing the children work behind the scenes, it's had a massive impact on their cooperative skills."
Michelle Green, Year Six teacher, Highwood Primary School |
"The sense of them being a team was very apparent, in the run up to the show and when they were helping each other make puppets. it showed them people who had strengths that they might not know about. It was really nice to see them going to people who they wouldn't normally associate with. It really brought them closer together as a class.
Rachel Mayes, Class 4 teacher, Breachwood Green JMI A wonderful performance last night at St Albans Cathedral. Thank you, thank you, thank you for the fantastic experience you have given the children at Alban City School. My son has not stopped enthusing about it since day 1! I hope that you and YPPT are able to open the door and enrich the lives of many more children in the future. The work that you do is absolutely fantastic and the trust that you bestow upon young children to take responsibility is very rare and much needed. Long may you continue!
Jim, parent, Alban City School |
"Sometimes as a head teacher you stumble across a project that is truly remarkable and that brings significant learning and value to the school’s community. I am pleased to say that the YPPT is a wonderful example of such a project. The project is designed to ensure that the children work as a team to plan, and perform their shows. A stage manager (a pupil who is elected) takes overall control and everyone else has specific jobs to do. It is incredible how everyone realises that their job is essential to the whole show and in the rehearsal they really do pull together. The final performance is theirs. And it was spectacular!
I am very excited about the work we will do with the YPPT next year. I would definitely recommend this project to anyone looking to bring something amazing to their design and technology and creative arts curriculum."
John Mynott, Headteacher, Central Primary School
I am very excited about the work we will do with the YPPT next year. I would definitely recommend this project to anyone looking to bring something amazing to their design and technology and creative arts curriculum."
John Mynott, Headteacher, Central Primary School
"Both my children have had the honour of taking part in the puppet project this year. They both have absolutely loved it. Now that it's all over, they feel like they're missing something. One of them told me this morning that he wishes he could start it all over again. He's really enjoyed making the puppets - the faces in particular. The performances were fantastic. Exceptional. They have learned so many skills along the way, not only working as a team, knowing who needed to be where and when, and handing microphones, but also the exceptional art of puppetry. This is their favourite memory of Year Six."
Vanessa Watson, Year Six parent, Highwood Primary School |
"As a school we've seen the impact. We've had children who maybe didn't want to come to school because they're not as academic and they're not as confident around their friends, and when they were coming in to do the puppet project on a weekly basis, the day they wanted to come in was Thursdays (puppet day). We've got one very quiet Year 5 child who I remember watching in sessions. He was just quietly getting on with the work, not really speaking up much, but when it came to reading for the show he was the first to put his hand up. It was great for us because he's not normally like that"
Kirsty Badham, Headteacher, Breachwood Green JMI |
"Fantastic!!!! So thrilled to be able to come and watch two amazing shows!! The children have been working so so hard since September. My son has come home every Thursday full of excitement and glee. Such a professional show. All the children have done amazing. Such a proud parent Thanks for a brilliant show."
Juliet, parent, Highwood Primary School
"He loved making the puppets and talked about the process a lot at home! My son has ASD/ADHD – the project has required a lot of concentration so he’s had to build that up, and develop his coping strategies and resilience. This project is highly professional – a great deal of effort has been put into it. It has given them a new and different experience, new skills and lasting special memories"
Anna, parent, Central Primary School
Juliet, parent, Highwood Primary School
"He loved making the puppets and talked about the process a lot at home! My son has ASD/ADHD – the project has required a lot of concentration so he’s had to build that up, and develop his coping strategies and resilience. This project is highly professional – a great deal of effort has been put into it. It has given them a new and different experience, new skills and lasting special memories"
Anna, parent, Central Primary School
"The children live for Thursdays, when this project happens - it's an incentive to get into school. They really thrive on having this end goal, with the show to put on, and it gives them a real purpose, and for our children in particular, that's really important. Some children who can be difficult to motivate in other areas of the curriculum and in lesson time are excelling in this project - the children are getting to see that everyone has different talents and strengths, and they can support one another. There's so much more to this project than meets the eye, it's definitely exceeding our expectations and the children will remember it for the rest of their lives."
Sarah Joomun, Year Six teacher, Shirley Primary School |
"She comes home, drops her bags, and then absolutely talks about it - the energy, the enthusiasm, the vibe and all that put together. It's quite amazing, such a wonderful thing... obviously she enjoyed it and she was so thrilled at the opportunity given to her to have a go with it, and as we saw a while ago, she was spot on. I couldn't even believe it was my daughter, I was just wondering 'who is this?' It was an amazing thing that she did today. So, so proud of her."
Parent, The Grove Primary School "My son has taken great pride in making his puppet and is really looking forward to bringing it home. He's discussed his stage manager role extensively over the past few weeks and has learned responsibility as well as working with people. He and his friends have been discussing writing their own scripts and the creativity has been wonderful to hear! Thank you so much."
Anonymous parent, Shirley Primary School |
"The children have got so much from it. With the making part, a number of the children who struggle with literacy or maths in class were able to really show their talents."
Andy Goulding, Year Six teacher, Houndsfield Primary School "One boy in my class had really low literacy levels - reading, writing and his attitude to learning was incredibly low. We began the puppet project and he found something that he enjoyed, that he was good at and had a natural flair for [...] since then, his literacy has shot through the roof. He's almost at age-related expectations now, whereas his predictions for this year were way below that, so this project's definitely had an impact on him." Hannah Tofts, Year Six teacher, Houndsfield Primary School |
"My son's in a class of very bright children who are all academically switched on for maths and English etc. He also struggles hugely with dyslexia and how his brain works and functions, and throughout his school history has been a bit bowed by that in terms of feeling second-best, and not as good as everyone around him. The puppet project gave him the opportunity to be the best at something. When he suddenly realised that, he began to grow in confidence and it began to pervade everything else, all other aspects of his life, because he suddenly realised that you didn’t have to be brilliant at English, you didn’t have to be brilliant at maths. You could also be brilliant at arts and crafts - there were other avenues for him to pursue."
Sarah, parent, Aboyne Lodge Primary School |
"The fact that the project has lasted all year has been a very positive thing. It’s grown each week, and the children have had something to look back on each week that they can improve on or work on for next week, but also have a goal to look forwards to."
Deryn, Year 6 teacher, Aboyne Lodge School
Deryn, Year 6 teacher, Aboyne Lodge School
"The best bit, for me, was children who wouldn’t normally shine being able to shine."
Kathryn Joy, education consultant and former Year 6 teacher
Kathryn Joy, education consultant and former Year 6 teacher
"I have most enjoyed the enthusiasm of the children - the way they have looked forward to this project every week, the way they have talked about it outside of lessons, the way that the parents know what’s going on, so the children have clearly been talking about it at home - and seeing the cooperation between the children in the way that they help one another."
Amanda, Year 6 teacher, Aboyne Lodge School 2014-15
Amanda, Year 6 teacher, Aboyne Lodge School 2014-15
"The spinoffs in the academic part of it are huge, because the children get so involved. Children who hate writing are suddenly writing screeds about their puppet, or what they want their puppet to be able to do, or their view of the story. To me, that’s invaluable [...] I think it was great for the school because it sent the message out that this is the sort of thing that this school does, and certainly contributed to the whole school ethos that was developing at the time of ‘everybody is important and everybody is special, but everybody is different. Together we make a fantastic team."
Linda Crawley, former Headteacher, Aboyne Lodge Primary School |